locations  >   the great outdoors  >   agricultural landscapes 69 locations :: page 1 / 7 >

Reference 40433
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Farmhouse set in fifty acres of fields and woodland and an ancient moat. Surrey.
Reference 44983
34 miles (55km) from London
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Organic pastoral farm on 200 acres, with plenty of parking. Surrey.
Reference 47372
24 miles (39km) from London
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Wholesale plant nursery with six acres of plant beds, plastic polytunnels and various outbuildings. Kent.
Reference 44794
57 miles (92km) from London
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50 acre farm, fields, rollling hills and woodland, a large pond and derelict stone buildings. Oxfordshire. (new location 2024)
Reference 41151
27 miles (43km) from London
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Farmhouse and barns, surrounded by woodland and fields. Buckinghamshire.
Reference 43275
38 miles (61km) from London
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Working farm and farmhouse (exterior only) set in 30 acres of grassland and woodland, with no public access, including a river, courtyard, barns and stables. Surrey.
Reference 41328
82 miles (132km) from London
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Rural estate set in 4,500 acres, consisting of woodland, barns, ancient trees, bridges, a river, an orangery and an 18thC house (exteriors only). Hampshire.
Reference 41336
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Oak timbered barn, set in fields and woodland with valley views. Kent.
Reference 40006
85 miles (137km) from London
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Unique 18thC farmhouse built in the style of a restored medieval castle. Oxfordshire.
Reference 43153
50 miles (81km) from London
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Beautifully restored gatehouse, on a private road. West Sussex.

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
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locations  >   the great outdoors  >   agricultural landscapes
area: South of England  ::   69 locations :: page 1 / 7   :: see also...
area: South of England  :: see also...
 69 locations :: page 1 / 7 

reference 40433 ❯

Farmhouse set in fifty acres of fields and woodland and an ancient moat. Surrey.

reference 44983 ❯
34 miles (55km) from London

Organic pastoral farm on 200 acres, with plenty of parking. Surrey.

reference 47372 ❯
24 miles (39km) from London

Wholesale plant nursery with six acres of plant beds, plastic polytunnels and various outbuildings. Kent.

reference 44794 ❯
57 miles (92km) from London

50 acre farm, fields, rollling hills and woodland, a large pond and derelict stone buildings. Oxfordshire. (new location 2024)

reference 41151 ❯
27 miles (43km) from London

Farmhouse and barns, surrounded by woodland and fields. Buckinghamshire.

reference 43275 ❯
38 miles (61km) from London

Working farm and farmhouse (exterior only) set in 30 acres of grassland and woodland, with no public access, including a river, courtyard, barns and stables. Surrey.

reference 41328 ❯
82 miles (132km) from London

Rural estate set in 4,500 acres, consisting of woodland, barns, ancient trees, bridges, a river, an orangery and an 18thC house (exteriors only). Hampshire.

reference 41336 ❯

Oak timbered barn, set in fields and woodland with valley views. Kent.

reference 40006 ❯
85 miles (137km) from London

Unique 18thC farmhouse built in the style of a restored medieval castle. Oxfordshire.

reference 43153 ❯
50 miles (81km) from London

Beautifully restored gatehouse, on a private road. West Sussex.

agricultural landscapes in area: South of England
 69 locations :: page 1 / 7  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
reference 40433 ❯
Farmhouse set in fifty acres of fields and woodland and an ancient moat. Surrey.

reference 44983 ❯
34 miles (55km) from London
Organic pastoral farm on 200 acres, with plenty of parking. Surrey.

reference 47372 ❯
24 miles (39km) from London
Wholesale plant nursery with six acres of plant beds, plastic polytunnels and various outbuildings. Kent.

reference 44794 ❯
57 miles (92km) from London
50 acre farm, fields, rollling hills and woodland, a large pond and derelict stone buildings. Oxfordshire. (new location 2024)

reference 41151 ❯
27 miles (43km) from London
Farmhouse and barns, surrounded by woodland and fields. Buckinghamshire.

reference 43275 ❯
38 miles (61km) from London
Working farm and farmhouse (exterior only) set in 30 acres of grassland and woodland, with no public access, including a river, courtyard, barns and stables. Surrey.

reference 41328 ❯
82 miles (132km) from London
Rural estate set in 4,500 acres, consisting of woodland, barns, ancient trees, bridges, a river, an orangery and an 18thC house (exteriors only). Hampshire.

reference 41336 ❯
Oak timbered barn, set in fields and woodland with valley views. Kent.

reference 40006 ❯
85 miles (137km) from London
Unique 18thC farmhouse built in the style of a restored medieval castle. Oxfordshire.

reference 43153 ❯
50 miles (81km) from London
Beautifully restored gatehouse, on a private road. West Sussex.

agricultural landscapes in area: South of England
 69 locations :: page 1 / 7  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.