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Reference 7231
South East London
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Gallery and studio space, central London.
Reference 5127
Central London
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Theatre, iconic and brutalist style. Central London.
Reference 4139
South west London
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Very large contemporary art gallery in a 19thC building. South west London.
Reference 7264
West London
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Recording studios, west London.
Reference 37324
North west London
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Late victorian mansion with art nouveau features, large artist's studio / gallery, with an unusual and bohemian interior, extensive cellars and a small but wild garden. London NW.
Reference 37178
West London
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Event space, central London, with white walls, parquet flooring, natural daylight (with black-out blinds). 310 square metres.
Reference 45331
Central London
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Gallery with roof space, central London.
Reference 44303
Central London
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Industrial art studio, mezzanine, and large rooftop with city views. Central London. (new location 2024)
Reference 44707
Central London
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Event space and photography studio, with salon space and private cinema, in a 5 storey, Georgian townhouse. Central London. (new location 2024)
Reference 44597
South east London
More pictures...
Art gallery and events venue. South east London. (new location 2024)

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
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locations  >   public buildings  >   galleries / studios
all regions ::   143 locations :: page 6 / 15   :: see also...
all regions :: see also...
 143 locations :: page 6 / 15 

reference 7231 ❯
South East London

Gallery and studio space, central London.

reference 5127 ❯
Central London

Theatre, iconic and brutalist style. Central London.

reference 4139 ❯
South west London

Very large contemporary art gallery in a 19thC building. South west London.

reference 7264 ❯
West London

Recording studios, west London.

reference 37324 ❯
North west London

Late victorian mansion with art nouveau features, large artist's studio / gallery, with an unusual and bohemian interior, extensive cellars and a small but wild garden. London NW.

reference 37178 ❯
West London

Event space, central London, with white walls, parquet flooring, natural daylight (with black-out blinds). 310 square metres.

reference 45331 ❯
Central London

Gallery with roof space, central London.

reference 44303 ❯
Central London

Industrial art studio, mezzanine, and large rooftop with city views. Central London. (new location 2024)

reference 44707 ❯
Central London

Event space and photography studio, with salon space and private cinema, in a 5 storey, Georgian townhouse. Central London. (new location 2024)

reference 44597 ❯
South east London

Art gallery and events venue. South east London. (new location 2024)

galleries / studios in all regions
 143 locations :: page 6 / 15  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
reference 7231 ❯
South East London
Gallery and studio space, central London.

reference 5127 ❯
Central London
Theatre, iconic and brutalist style. Central London.

reference 4139 ❯
South west London
Very large contemporary art gallery in a 19thC building. South west London.

reference 7264 ❯
West London
Recording studios, west London.

reference 37324 ❯
North west London
Late victorian mansion with art nouveau features, large artist's studio / gallery, with an unusual and bohemian interior, extensive cellars and a small but wild garden. London NW.

reference 37178 ❯
West London
Event space, central London, with white walls, parquet flooring, natural daylight (with black-out blinds). 310 square metres.

reference 45331 ❯
Central London
Gallery with roof space, central London.

reference 44303 ❯
Central London
Industrial art studio, mezzanine, and large rooftop with city views. Central London. (new location 2024)

reference 44707 ❯
Central London
Event space and photography studio, with salon space and private cinema, in a 5 storey, Georgian townhouse. Central London. (new location 2024)

reference 44597 ❯
South east London
Art gallery and events venue. South east London. (new location 2024)

galleries / studios in all regions
 143 locations :: page 6 / 15  :: see also...

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.