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map > all regions > North west England > Cheshire :: Greater Manchester :: Lancashire

Reference 47310
174 miles (280km) from London
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Empty victorian mill. The main room has original wooden floors and is bathed in natural light. Urban gritty texture to the walls with paint peeling, showing a variety of colours from years gone by. There is a secondary room with slate floor. The two rooms are linked with very large industrial sliding steel doors. Manchester.
Reference 44382
209 miles (336km) from London
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Victorian former fire station, with courtroom and police cells. Greater Manchester. (new location 2024)
Reference 41199
252 miles (406km) from London
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1000 acre site consisting of a disused hospital, abandoned prison building, empty manor house, disused farm and a derelict house. Lancashire.
Reference 43491
196 miles (316km) from London
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Buildings and barns, consisting of three main properties, one derelict, one vacant, and one furnished property, in 3 acres with a courtyard area, walled garden, tennis court, field, and parking. Cheshire.
map > all regions > North west England > Cheshire :: Greater Manchester :: Lancashire

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
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area: North west England  ::   4 locations :: page 1 / 1   :: see also...
area: North west England  :: see also...
 4 locations :: page 1 / 1 

map > all regions > North west England > Cheshire :: Greater Manchester :: Lancashire

reference 47310 ❯
174 miles (280km) from London

Empty victorian mill. The main room has original wooden floors and is bathed in natural light. Urban gritty texture to the walls with paint peeling, showing a variety of colours from years gone by. There is a secondary room with slate floor. The two rooms are linked with very large industrial sliding steel doors. Manchester.

reference 44382 ❯
209 miles (336km) from London

Victorian former fire station, with courtroom and police cells. Greater Manchester. (new location 2024)

reference 41199 ❯
252 miles (406km) from London

1000 acre site consisting of a disused hospital, abandoned prison building, empty manor house, disused farm and a derelict house. Lancashire.

reference 43491 ❯
196 miles (316km) from London

Buildings and barns, consisting of three main properties, one derelict, one vacant, and one furnished property, in 3 acres with a courtyard area, walled garden, tennis court, field, and parking. Cheshire.

empty buildings in area: North west England
 4 locations :: page 1 / 1   :: see also...

map > all regions > North west England > Cheshire :: Greater Manchester :: Lancashire

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.
reference 47310 ❯
174 miles (280km) from London
Empty victorian mill. The main room has original wooden floors and is bathed in natural light. Urban gritty texture to the walls with paint peeling, showing a variety of colours from years gone by. There is a secondary room with slate floor. The two rooms are linked with very large industrial sliding steel doors. Manchester.

reference 44382 ❯
209 miles (336km) from London
Victorian former fire station, with courtroom and police cells. Greater Manchester. (new location 2024)

reference 41199 ❯
252 miles (406km) from London
1000 acre site consisting of a disused hospital, abandoned prison building, empty manor house, disused farm and a derelict house. Lancashire.

reference 43491 ❯
196 miles (316km) from London
Buildings and barns, consisting of three main properties, one derelict, one vacant, and one furnished property, in 3 acres with a courtyard area, walled garden, tennis court, field, and parking. Cheshire.

empty buildings in area: North west England
 4 locations :: page 1 / 1   :: see also...

map > all regions > North west England > Cheshire :: Greater Manchester :: Lancashire

Locations for filming, photography and events: contact us on 0800 334 5505 or email for further details.
Unless otherwise indicated, all images remain the copyright of Location Works Ltd. No warranty is given by Location Works as to the availability or suitability of the locations for any particular project. The availability of all locations is subject to negotiation and contract; please contact us to discuss your requirements. Location Works is a commercial library: we charge a fee for the use of our locations. All distances shown are approximate. Your use of our web site is dependent upon your acceptance of our Terms & Conditions.